Find Affordable Individual and Family Health Insurance
Understanding Individual and Family Health Insurance Plans
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) created 4 coverage group, these groups range from 60% to 90% coverage for health care costs per year. Therefore, these plans have different premiums (what you pay each month) depending to the amount of coverage you buy. Thus, Bronze Plans will offer the most affordable health insurance premiums and Platinum Plans will provide the lowest cost sharing, but have higher monthly rates.
Guidance and Assistance
Every Choice Health Insurance agents are licensed and certified to help you apply for On or Off exchange plans. For this reason, our agents can quote and sell any plans. They have the technology to get you coverage with financial assistance, or let you know whether you’re eligible to begin with.
Modified Adjusted Gross Income, citizenship status, current and prior coverage status, among other questions help to determine what type of health plan you should purchase. Individuals in prison or without legal residency in the U.S. do not qualify, and if you earn over a certain amount, you may not be able to receive a tax credit or subsidy. However, even if you do not qualify for financial assistance, you can purchase a plan as long as you apply during Open Enrollment and do not have other source of coverage (Medicare, TRICARE, Medicaid, employer-sponsored coverage, COBRA, etc).

Contact a licensed insurance agent today to discuss your options.

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